It’s been a wild summer.
1. Hedy suddenly stopped working
I called Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) and talked with Marc Gillard, who is one of my favorite instructors there. He gave me a number of suggestions, including that Hedy’s enjoyment of movement needed to be associated with her harness. Older dogs have more limited energy and we have to use it wisely.
I don’t think of Hedy as an older dog. At seven, she still has quite the puppy brain. Still, there is that white under her chin, and she does like to sleep every chance she gets. Marc told me they breed their dogs to be able to switch off like that. He said that’s the sign of a successfully bred guide dog.
After several months of working with Hedy, paying more attention to her behaviors, I was able to have consistently good work from her, and called to give Marc the report. We are back in business. She will not have to retire and be left home while I go out with another dog (I think that would kill her!). And all is well.
2. I finished access technology training
I am not an expert by any means, but what Jacques from the Earle Baum Center of the Blind taught me will become my new way of writing from now on. VoiceOver (on the Mac) reads everything including punctuation because I can’t see what I wrote, and punctuation is crucial for clear communications, but it makes the hearing of “Playback” cumbersome. Still, I’m happy to be writing again.
3. New projects
Because of my friendship with Maria (Zornes) and Hal Baker, my life has taken a sudden swerve into a fascinating new project. Actually, there are two… or three. The long-term new project is a documentary on Betty Davenport Ford, a 90-year old artist best known for her elegant animal ceramic sculptures. Maria grew up in the same neighborhood as the Fords, an unusual grouping of extraordinary artists living in Padua Hills near Claremont, California. I grew up seeing the beautiful animals in public places and now, because the Bakers introduced me to the Fords, I have made three trips to Southern California in the past six weeks, interviewing and filming at museums, and getting to know the delightful creator of those distinctive sculptures, and her warm, engaging family.
We’re also working on a book of the animal sculptures of Betty Davenport Ford. It will be a small, hand-bound book, a perfect presentation of those distinctive works.
Here are a couple of photos. Better than words.

Snow Leopard by Betty Davenport Ford
photo by Gene Sasse

Raccoon Family by Betty Davenport Ford
photo by Carolyn Wing Greenlee
4. Treating with microcurrent and energy stress release
The other major activity in my life now is another surprise. Over the years, I have been treating friends and family with microcurrent and energy stress release techniques. Now it has become a weekly thing of seeing clients, most with fairly impossible conditions. And, surprisingly, I’m seeing some remarkable improvements. I suppose it helps that I grew up hearing from my TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) father that there are no incurable diseases in acupuncture. There are only imbalances that need to be corrected. I go on that principle, and it works.
I hope you enjoy the photograph I took of the sky over the lake, the view from my deck. We are now going to share a variety of photographs on this website. I’m so grateful I can still see well enough to enjoy the stunning beauty around me and even manage to capture it so you can see it too.

Pine against Sunset Sky
photo by Carolyn Wing Greenlee
October 20, 2015 - 4:59 PMCarolyn,
Where would you suggest I find more details on how to perform the energy stress techniques you mentioned? I would like to use this for my friends and family.
Thank you,
October 20, 2015 - 11:14 PMKristen,
I love your desire to help family and friends! Good for you!
One excellent source of information is “Waking the Tiger” by Dr. Peter Levine. It gives a comprehensive look at the nature of trauma and how it works. He has some techniques that he uses with his clients. I used some of them at the women’s shelter with very good results. They include movement, shaking, taking action to release trapped energy from freezing (when you can’t fight or flee), and resolving the trauma so your mind is satisfied that the danger is truly over and it can relax.
I used a number of techniques at our workshop. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is the face tapping procedure I taught. There are training videos available from Gary Craig’s website. They’re pretty old, since Gary started teaching EFT in the ‘80s, but the information is invaluable and generous.
There is a short instructional video on my website. Here’s the link to that page: It shows muscle testing and EFT with my explanation of the meridian points. There’s also a demonstration of Seabiscuit Breathing, the technique that helps put you back on the parasympathetic nervous system while “resetting” your nervous system through tapping down the spine.
I am currently working on some booklets that will have additional helpful Techniques, and they will be announced on my website and to my email list as they become available.
May God bless you as you as you reach out to learn ways to make life better for those around you.
Pat Khan
September 18, 2014 - 6:12 AMGood morning, You are amazing in all you do.
Isn’t it interesting that so much healing has been in your roots. Centuries old knowledge administered by modern technology and Developed by your Father. Micro current healing your Father gave us in the mid 70’s, I am forever grateful.
Your artistic life and viewpoint lives so generously in your heart, thank you for sharing with us.
Pat K
Shelby Posada
September 15, 2014 - 3:20 PMDear Friend~
Thank you for the update and the amazing recovery of Hedy. I can’t imagine her not at your side. And, you are amazing with all the wonderful new avenues that you are exploring and the uplifting individuals who are traveling with you along your journey.
Warmest wishes and hugs,
Alice Trego
September 14, 2014 - 7:12 PMWhat wonderful news you’ve shared on all counts, Carolyn! Scary, though, about Hedy, but glad to hear she is still on par with her guide dog duties. Your photos are wonderful and will be a nice addition here, and the Betty Davenport Ford project sounds most fascinating. It’s nice to hear you’ve been enjoying your busy life :)
eugenie steinman
September 14, 2014 - 10:42 AMKeep writing to us it is so enjoyable and uplifting to hear from you.
Sue A. Lehman
September 14, 2014 - 8:17 AMGreat that Hedy is doing better and getting back on track! It must be devastating to have to retire a dog. Love the photo you took—the colors are wonderful.
Also glad you are back to writing again and working on yet another interesting project. Stay busy and enjoy the cooler weather coming our way! Hope to see you at the Pear Festival. Our Lake County Writers are again having a booth there and would love to display and sell some of your books! Let me know!
Pat Roberts
September 14, 2014 - 7:53 AMI really enjoyed this update. Congratulations Carolyn on all fronts!
Mary E. Trimble
September 14, 2014 - 7:46 AMCarolyn, what a scary thing with Hedy. I’m so glad so found a solution. Also, congratulations with your new art interests. Sounds fascinating.
karen fulk
September 13, 2014 - 10:35 PMJames greenlee said laser therapy was even better. You must know about that, right?
Linda Tinkham
September 13, 2014 - 8:44 PMHi Carolyn, if you are ever in the Sacramento area, can you give me a call?
John has been in and out of the hospital. He has been in three times for a week at a time. He got meningitis again so they removed his morphine pump again. Then gave him more and more drugs. They had him so drugged up that he was in a really bad state of mind. I couldn’t take it so I cut out a bunch of pills. Then I talked with another Dr. and we cut so more out. He is awake now and can think for himself. However, he has no energy, very unstable, has bad headaches, and still sees black dots that move around.
I was wondering if your micro current machine would be able to help him. We are trying to find a new pain Dr. because his retired and I hate the guy who took his place. Every Dr we call on the approved list, is not taking new customers.
I took him to a neurologist chiropractor that got him off drugs about 8 yrs ago. He worked on his neck and we will see him once a week. John said it didn’t help. I know it will take a little while. He is going crazy with the dots and headaches.
Let me know if you have any ideas! Linda
Carolyn Wing Greenlee
September 18, 2014 - 2:20 PMHello, Linda. I’ve been out of town and seeing clients. Received your message and have been praying for you and John. My step-son James Greenlee, DC, is in Auburn. His practice is called “Auburn Chiropractic” off Grass Valley Highway. He has microcurrent instruments. My husband, his dad, taught him, and then he went on to come up with his own protocols. He also has laser and knows many different approaches to pain in the body. My husband said Jim was a better doctor than he was. He was a proud papa, but it was also true. Jim is an extraordinarily gifted doctor.
I am not coming to Sacramento until October, when I drive through on the way to Southern California. I thought of trying to see you on that trip, but one treatment won’t make a whole lot of difference except to possibly show whether John’s body would respond significantly to microcurrent.– You really need to go to someone closer who can provide more frequent and regular care. That’s why I recommend Dr. Jim Greenlee.
In the meantime, I am keeping you both in my prayers.
Carolyn & Hedy