Happy Chinese New Year of the Rabbit. Say, “Gung hay fat choy!” It means “May you have good fortune” unless you pronounce it wrong, in which case you will be making a comment about their grandfather’s vegetables. Born towards the end of January, a third-generation Chinese American, I always feel
Category: Dog Stories
For 60 years I knew nothing about guide dogs. I’d never even seen one, though, if I had, most likely I would have wanted to pet it and ask the blind person a million questions. After I got my guide dog, I encountered a public that was, for the most
For Christmas Hedy got a treadmill. She’s a sturdy, energetic dog and I’m a 63 year-old lady who lives in a neighborhood with very steep hills. Even though I walk her usually twice a day or more, it isn’t enough to burn off the energy of a three-year-old Lab bred
I met Judy at a gas stop when I was on a road trip to the Women Writing the West conference in Arizona. When Judy saw Hedy in harness, she said, “My husband and I donated a dog to a school for the blind.” Many people have told me they
I was standing before a green wall of produce at the Ukiah Natural Foods Co-Op, trying to decide which leaves looked most like Romaine when I noticed a little pulling on the leash in my hand. Startled, I looked down and saw someone crouching next to Hedy, petting her head