Carolyn Wing Greenlee

“Walking In His Way” announcement

Dear Ones,

I truly believed MIGHTY was my last book. I had two weeks of glorious rest before the Lord decided I needed to completely revise another book that I had already written. Three years ago when I wrote it, things were different. I felt such an urgency to do a major rewrite—to put into it what I’ve been learning about keeping our balance when everything is shaking around us. How do we see what’s going on the way God sees it? And how do we partner with Him in helping bring about His purposes for this momentous time? There are surprising ways to pray, insights that clarify His values in a world that doesn’t understand He has infused each life with purpose, significance, gifts, and destiny.

In my new book, there are lots of stories about ordinary people living astonishing lives in difficult times, and how the worst can become the best when we align with God and walk in His ways. I’ve included my own story growing up in Eastern philosophies, and what I know about Jesus because I wasn’t brought up in the church. And, of course, there are wonderful lessons I learned from my guide dog, Hedy.

Dan took the cover photo in Clearlake State Park a few years ago. I love it because Hedy is looking back as if to say, “Are you coming?” That’s kind of the message of this book, and I invite you to join Hedy and me through the pages of my latest, and truly final book.


You can find Walking In His Way – aligning with the God of the Universe in paperback or kindle on Amazon.

The author walking with her guide dog down a sun-lit country road

Walking In His Way – aligning with the God of the Universe


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